
This is a place for arguments debates about anything media related - you've all got lots of opinions and it's about time we heard them.

Some of the forums will be related to the things that we study, others will not - and if you want to start your own forum then you can.

You have to listen to me drone on all the time, this is your opportunity to tell me I'm wrong!

OK so here are the instructions and rules...
  • If you want to contribute to a forum then click on one of the titles below and they will take you to a page which outlines the discussion.
  • To contribute; make sure you are signed in and click on 'Post a Comment' after everyone else's comments
  • If you want to start a forum of your own then create a New Post, describe what your point is, outline your argument - include pictures and videos if necessary - but make sure that your point of view is clear and convincing. 
  • Label your post with the word: Forums
  • Let me know that you've started a forum and I'll link it to this page
  • Wait... Wait for other people to either tell you that you're a genius or just how wrong you are!

A few house rules...
  1. Keep it Media related
  2. No swearing or offensive language (won't somebody please think of the children!?)
  3. No personal jibes or insults
  4. No posts about One Direction
