Pre-Production tasks

Create your own banner at!

The Pre-Production element of the coursework is worth 20% of the marks - although it may feel that most of the hard graft takes place at this stage.

Don't Panic! This hard work will pay off. Not only will it provide you with ideas and slogans for your product but the research will actually be necessary for you to complete your evaluations.

The tasks linked to here should be completed quickly and efficiently. Time should be spent carefully in researching and writing up charity adverts - and obviously these will be used again in the Evaluation.

The most time should be spent Storyboarding accurately. The twenty marks available for Pre-Production are based on your abilities to Storyboard accurately and for your ideas to be creative.

    ...and most importantly...

    The booklet below collects all of the information contained in one place for you to quickly check on what you should be doing.