Magazine Practice Exam

You need to complete Questions 1 and 2.

This is a great opportunity to spend a decent amount of time practicing your Textual Analysis skills - and also making sure that this is a really well written piece of work.

Spend at least one hour answering Question 1.

Hint: GQ is a men's Lifestyle magazine, Saga is a lifestyle magazine which targets the over 50s.

Spend at least one hour answering Question 2. Make sure you look at how many marks each part of the question is worth!

Question 2(a) and 2(b) are about the two magazine covers on the exam paper.

Question 2(c) must be based on your own examples.

They must be specific texts - i.e. a specific film, or a specific video game or a specific advert.

Hint: The best answers will write about three texts from three different types of media.
e.g. One text which is an advert, one text which is a film and one text which is a magazine.

You can pick any texts you want - they could be stuff you've looked at for a homework assignment, written about as part of a Media Diary entry or even something we've looked at in class.