Audience Classification

21 Jump Street
Audience Profiling 
Profession- type of profession is irrelevant however they might be fans of the actors

Class- any class would enjoy this film
Education- a person from any type of education could consume this text. It doesn’t feature a lot of understanding and depth therefore not a great deal of education is required.
Location- any type of person ranging from different nationalities can consume this film. 

Lifestyle Categories
Dropouts-the film does not need a great deal of attention or commitment. As this film is not anyway a sequel or part of a collection of films means that it is easy enough to get a grasp of the film the first time you have seen it.

Young and Rubicams Four C’s
The Mainstream- I think the mainstreamers would find great enjoyment of this film as it is massively popular and is a great topic of conversation. Also the actors used for the movie would be well known and popular with mainstreamers. As the mainstreamers main need in life is security they will find it easy to find security in as they are used and familiar with the actors and their previous work.

Income/Status Model
I believe mainly a young audience with generate their attention to this movie as it therefore not a vast income is expected. However I also believe that anyone from class E to A could be the consumers of this text as it is very easy to access either through DVD, cinema or television. As all of these media types are relatively cheap with none of them being of a great expense or availability therefore it can be seen as obtainable for everyone.

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