Media Diary Week 2

Name of the text: FIFA 14 Date: Sunday The 13th, 15:00-21:00 Genre: Sports, Video games Purpose: To entertain Insitution Producing the text: Ea sports Target audience: 13-18 year olds, Anyone with interest in football Reaction: I feel that EA sports have really increased the effort and level of the Game this year and it has surprised me how much difference there is in the quality between fifa 13 and 14. it was a lot harder and more complex. They have added a lot more to the game and this means that you can do a lot more with your time. Why would people consume the text:They can get a sense of personaliasation from the game and are able to play with teams they may go to every week and they can create a player on the game to resemble themselves, it is a worldwide game and people can play online with other people and socialise with them and this can be a good way to make new mates and speak to people you already know, so there is a social side to the game, there is the chance to create your own team and manage them and build it up. Some people could react to the game in a different way because of how much its changed since last year and that is not a good part for some people.

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