Passive & Active questions

2.) The cultural effects model is within the effect debate as it argues that the media isn’t responsible for our actions or dictations and we simply have our own ideologies that we follow. When the media shows us stereotypes such as Americans are fat and French being romantic it reinforces our cultural beliefs.

The Inoculation theory is responsible for desensitising us as an audience to a certain text to make it acceptable next time around. Horrors such as Final Destination and Saw are example of this. The more horror movies of this description are released the more people will be able to watch them as they were immune to the emotions they are meant to experience such as fright and paranoia.

3.) An active audience has a reception of having their own say within argument. They will explain viewpoints and opinions. They like to be described as people who get involved. The uses and gratification model argues that as the audience we are to decide whether to make an active response to better our needs. Bulmer and Katz, the inventors, say we all fall into four categories. Escapism/entertainment is for audience who need to be whisked away from their everyday life to a life of relaxation.

A passive audience is the opposite and is suggested as controlled by evidence of how they act off the media. The inoculation theory demonstrate how the audience is very gullible therefore supports a passive audience. It believes that the audience can even be lead to commit crimes such as murder by what they see in the media.

4.) I don’t believe that the media can influence anyone’s actions based on something they’ve consumed. This famous line “Rap music made me do it” from various song titles takes about the disruption rap music made when it was introduced in the 80s/90s with groups such as NWA emerged. Rap music was nearly destroyed because of non direct relations was being made between its lyrics and messages to gun crime.

5.) Passive audience are suggested as dangerous but it’s a tiny minority that have committed crimes. This is why active audiences are more accepted because they believe it’s the nurture of the audience than the nature of the film. Everyone know that as people we all make our own decisions therefore the passive audiences is manipulating to people who believe it theory. Active audience acknowledges people as individuals of having tastes, goals and enjoyments.

6.) I quite like CSI Miami which applies to the uses and gratification theory. I think it makes us escape from everyday life by giving us entertainment. Throughout the series we are constantly trying to keep a step ahead of the experts. As consumers are job is to try and predict killers, next victims and maybe traitors. The text takes us to another life and turns us into an expert of a very entertaining occupation. Their plots are always engaging as it constantly wants us to become lost in the storyline therefore we have to watch out for quick turns and unexpectedness. This also fits in with personal identity as the characters make us want to relate to and think like them. Consumers who have followed the series will have to acquire their memory to the crime solution as a similar crime may have happened earlier.

7a.) Adverts which have the shock factor such as the man who dies climbing the scaffolding after taking drugs in pursuit of a flyaway balloon. If this advert has preferred reading audience as consumers who will view this and next time they are out they will think again before taking any drugs. This is because the advert has influenced them to be careful as this horrific incident can happen to them.

b.) an oppositional reader will believe this as being insulting and stereotypical to people who go out to nightclubs especially young people. This is because the oppositional reader will be totally against going out to take any form of drugs.

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