Make poverty history-click

Make poverty history-click


This advert is trying to tell us that there are millions of children out in the world that suffer from poverty are dying and that these are very avoidable. It is telling us that we can help them by going to their website.

Visual and narrative techniques

In this advert the background is white and all the celebrities are dressed in white and this is because it is telling us that their are that many children in poverty out in the world that are not standing out and that they are just blending. But the reason that it is white ad not black is because this tells us that the children in poverty still have a chance to have a bright future all we need to do is help them. Also they use all different class of celebrities from A listers to C listers and so on and his is to show that these are willing to help so are you? Also one narrative technique I really liked was the clicking because the clicking is showing how often these children are dying but also but that is all they are a click according to most people as most people do not notice and help so this technique really makes the audience think is that how often they are really dying and makes them want to help and also help other people notice this so that they become more than just a click. Also making them all look the same and equal they make every shot of every person a mid shot with no angle this making sure they all look equal. Also this advert is bleak and very dull this is to show that there is nothing fun about this advert and that the situation is not funny it is a situation that needs to be known and taken seriously. 

Advertising techniques

In this advert they use the humans need for nurture and security and telling us how often these poor children are dying and that they are not being recognized because that many children are dying this makes us think we have to do something as too many children's deaths are not recognized. Also the use off repetition is involve in this advert as they drill the clicking into the audiences head so that they do not forget get what that clicking means.  

What works/What doesn't

I really think the bleak colorless environment is perfect as it really does reflect the seriousness of the the situation and also the repetition because we will not forget the clicking because it has been repeated that many times. But I do believe that the time between some of the clicks and shots are a little bit too long and do take us out of the rhythm of the advert at times so it takes a little bit of the effect of the advert away.    

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