1.          Analyse the two film posters commenting on
·         Visual codes
·         Layout & design
·         Genre
In both film posters the lighting is dark with silhouettes and shadows which creates an eerie atmosphere, immediately the audience grasp the idea that the genre is either horror or thriller. The use of props could unfold a small part of the plot, in Winter’s Bone the boat could symbolise the characters may be stranded or searching for help which is reinforced by the flashlight, in Unknown the gun implies the main character is in danger, or if taken another reading he is the danger. The characters costume (suit and long black coat) suggests he’s sophisticated and serious, and in Winter’s Bone the heavy coats and hats reinforce the title.  From the poster we gather the film is set in a forest, the trees engulf the characters making them look inferior, which could suggest something bigger is out there and tells the audience that isolated forests are dangerous. However in the Unknown film poster there is a blurred out iconic building in the background, this suggests to the audience that danger is all around us.

The use of a medium long shot in Unknown implies he is the dominant character and has the situation under control; this is reinforced by his facial expression, a stern look with furrowed brows and held eye contact with the camera. The layout of the poster makes him the centre of the image and bigger than everything, including the buildings behind him, this shows the importance of this particular character in the film. As an audience, we are not quite sure whether he is the hero or villain in the film. We could also apply the rule of thirds to this poster, the top would focus on his face and background, the middle would focus on the strip of the car and the other two characters, and the bottom would focus on the title and gun.  In Winter’s Bone her worried facial expression looking off into the distance makes the audience curious to know what she is worrying about, and the high key lighting emphasises her expression to draw attention to it.

2.       (a) Choose one of the film posters and suggest two different audiences for this film.
We could apply Young &Rubicam’s 4C’s model to Winter’s Bone as it would appeal to the mainstreamer, they seek security in life. Visually this poster appears to have all the general characteristics of a horror film, the dark lighting, isolated setting, worried facial expressions ect. The mainstream audience could be secure in the knowledge that their expectations would be met. 

If we were to profile the audience for Winter’s Bone, the age of the person would range between late teens to mid twenties. The reason for this would be because of the actress starring in this film. Jennifer Lawrence is a well known popular young actress, the audience can personally identify with her. This will appeal to a young audience prompting them to go see the film.

          (b) With references to the other film poster, explore how audiences are attracted to this film.
The main attraction to this film would be the well known actors and companies; this would appeal to the Mainstreamer as they respond to big established brands.  The Warner Brothers Company are well known for their quality films so the mainstreamer will feel secure in expecting this film will live up their standards. However this film could apply to the Explorer as their core need in life is for discovery. The film poster and title doesn’t give much of the plot away which leaves it open for interpretation, the explorer can discover what the film is about. The other attraction would be the actor on the front of the film poster, Liam Neeson. The audience can’t relate to him but he is a popular actor, well known by most generations. He is the main catch for the film because of his popularity; the audience would have seen previous work by him which draws them in to watch Unknown.

3.       With reference to your own detailed examples, explore the representation of gender in the media today.
Gender is represented in the media today through many ways, for example through films, magazines and music videos. One way men are represented in the media today is in films, particularly the character James Bond. He’s a typical womaniser, fighting crime and is quite intelligent. His appearance is what women usually go for, he is slick and clean cut like his actions, he handles difficult situations calmly and with style.  The representation of James Bond suggests to men that they should act with a cool manner towards everything; they have to be the alpha male and have the ability to talk to women with confidence. His lifestyle of having everything lavish and expensive with gadgets suggests men should attempt to attain similar lifestyles, to achieve happiness and become the best. These traits are expected to be in every man, but as this is a constructionist approach, we do not expect men to own guns and put themselves in danger. James Bond would be the perfect example of what the Aspirer looks for in life, as Bond achieves good status and has what everyone else wants.

The appearance of men is largely stereotyped in the media today, focusing on their physiques and behaviour mostly. Men’s Fitness magazine targets their health and promotes the ‘ideal’ body type. It represents men as being confident, strong and healthy; they must be physically fit and care for how they look. They only emphasise and promote one body type, suggesting this is the only accepted image in society. The magazine promotes that this is the only acceptable look to succeed in life. Maintaining a healthy body is the main ideology here, it sends the audience a message that men have to be physically fit to fulfil the role of being a protector and a carer for their families. This magazine appeals to Aspirers in the income status model categories A, B and C1 who do aim to be the best.

Although men can be represented as being ‘cool’ and focusing on their looks, there is an alternative representation of men, which can be seen as a negative. The American TV show ‘The Simpsons’ portrays men in a negative light, that all men are lazy, slobs and self centred. Although this is a children’s cartoon programme, the message is portrayed well. Homer Simpson is the typical overweight father who likes his beer and doesn't succeed at his job very well. This representation stereotypes middle aged fathers in their behaviour and appearance; they’re usually bald and stocky with little dress sense, their usual choice is denim jeans and a shirt, emphasising masculinity.  They behave in a rough way, often acting protective and aggressive. This is a common representation in men seen throughout the media. 

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