Alternative narrative in film research

The trailer for the movie Kill Bill is a great example of how narrative in film reflects the themes the represent. This trailer represents this beautifully because. This trailer shows the narrative is going to be set in the past and present and it does this by putting different tints on on the shots and also making other shots black and white. This trailer is is showing that this movie is going to have three story lines the start of the revenge. That is the black and white sections, then when Uma Thurman is training for her revenge it kind of has a classic movie tint and then present day is all colourful. This trailer also shows that the themes of this movie are vulnerability, determination and that revenge is aways the best policy. They way this trailer shows vulnerability in this trailer is that we know that she is a highly trained killer and that when she wanted to settle down she was nearly killed by her friends well ex friends who are also trained killers. These scenes are shown as flashbacks and this shows vulnerability because this moment is stuck in her head and has now taken over her life and that everything she does will be to get revenge for her and her husband. Which shows she is still vulnerable because everything she does is controlled by that one moment in her life.
This also shows the theme of determination and that determination pays off because Uma Thurman is determined to get revenge for her husbands murder and her attempted murder. The use of the flashbacks shows how long she has been trying to get her revenge for and that she will stop at nothing to get her revenge.

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