Extracts from the conclusion of Media Gender & Identity by David Gauntlett

Extracts from the conclusion of Media Gender & Identity by David Gauntlett

Key quotes:

'Today, it seems more appropriate to emphasise that, within limits, the mass media is a force for change. The traditional view of a woman as a housewife or low-status worker has been kick-boxed out of the picture by the feisty, successful 'girl power' icons.

This is in contrast to the changing representation of men, for example 'Masculinity in a crisis' -

'Meanwhile the masculine ideals of absolute toughness, stubborn, self-reliance and emotional silence have been shaken by a new emphasis on men's emotions, need for advice, and the problems of masculinity. Although gender categories have not been shattered, these alternative ideas and images have at least created space for a greater diversity of identities.'

  • ((Talk about how the representation of gender roles have almost been swapped in recent years. For example, men taking a role more commonly assigned to women; emotional and reliant on others.))
  • ((Use the quote - 'Modern media has little time or respect for tradition.' - To open this paragraph.))
Gender's new representation is conflicting with one another -

'Contemporary masculinity is often said to be 'in crisis'; as women become increasingly assertive and successful, apparently triumphing in all roles, men are said to be anxious and confused about what their role is today.'

'Magazines for young women are emphatic in their determination that women must do their own thing, be themselves, and/or be as outrageously sassy and sexy as possible.'

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