How does the narrative structure of a film reflect the themes

"If ideas of preserving order are present at all, it is only at the level of narrative. The sequence of images, with their candy-colored costumes, dynamic and irregular layouts, movement beyond the boundary of the frame, fragmented temporalities, sound effects, and further abstractions, insist on a pervasive and appealing chaos [...]. The hyperbolic spectacle of the color comic page easily undermines and, yes, subverts, thin fantasies of social order (Bukatman 186)."

This quote shows that the narrative structure of a film can reflect the themes that the movie is trying to imply. The quote above is about the movie Sin City and I believe that the use of this narrative implies the themes not only in the film but in real life as well and I think the use of an non-linear story that has three separate stories shows the depth that the violence in the world goes and shows how wide spread it can go. Also that one action in one place can create a ripple effect for other people in later life and in other places. But also the use of the black and white is a great narrative device because it shows that theme is about dark times and a dark place that no one is able to get put of because it is wide spread.


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