Memento Research: Feminist Film Theory

Memento Research: Feminist Film Theory

"Feminism is a social movement that has had an enormous impaction film theory and criticism." - (Anneke Smelik's 'Feminist Film Theory', pg 1)

Memento is an interesting film to study the representation of women. Despite the film having a select number of female characters, their portrayal and representation constantly changes during the film's narrative. Feminists film critics will argue whether Memento's portrayal of women shows them either in a negative or positive light.

"Controlling power of the male character." - (Anneke Smelik's 'Feminist Film Theory', pg 1)

One interesting view of women shown in Memento is to do with women being dominated by the males around them. This can be seen in the character of Natalie, herself being a strong woman in her own right however she is ultimately controlled by her drug dealer boyfriend. Some would argue that it is common in cinema for women to be scared of males and their abuse. This is apparent in the scene where Natalie hides in her own home from the threat of Dodd, a masculine mobster who is looking to cause her some harm. Some feminist female critics would argue that Natalie fears him because women are under the control of men. This has been apparent in cinema for years according to Claire Johnson;

Claire Johnson, ('Feminist Film Theory', pg 1), talks about this concept - "She put forward a view of how classic cinema constructs the ideological image of women. Drawing on Roland Barthe's notion of myth, Johnston investigated the myth of 'woman' in classic cinema.'

Johnson found that women in cinema commonly take a passive role and are under the command of men. This is shown with the representation Natalie, who takes orders for her drug dealer boyfriend Jimmy in the bar she works at. Thus, in this way Memento conforms to the usual representation of women being at the hands of male characters are being controlled by them inadvertently.

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However, Memento's women are not always shown as passive and weak. In the scene where Natalie taunts and screams at Leonard, calling his deceased wife things like 'whore' and 'stupid'. The way she is framed gives her dominance over Leonard, him appearing vulnerable and meek in comparison to the booming, aggressive Natalie. Her body language also gives her power and control as Natalie puffs herself in a display to appear more intimidating to Leonard. She is shown to be a puppet-master of Leonard, purposely controlling and manipulating him into doing things that will benefit her. Natalie becomes this 'femme-fatale' archetype, a common representation of women in cinema. She uses her sex appeal to convince Leonard to aid her, even in one scene kissing him seductively and allowing him to sleep next to her in bed. This depiction of women conveys a negative representation of women, one were females use their body and their minds to manipulate men.

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Women in Memento also are used as plot devices. The film revolves around Leonard seeking revenge for his wife's murder which went on to cause his condition.

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