Armani Advertisement Analysis

The Armani advertisement was made intended to show the quality of the Emporio Armani underwear and to sell it.  The advert is in black and white which is usually associated with the past and sometimes like a snap shot of a memory, but in this particular advertisement I think the effect is used to make the text more powerful; because it adds focus to the image as there are no distracting colours, making it more harmonious. The black and white effect also adds an element of romance especially as the woman is sitting underneath the man; showing they have chemistry, even if they weren't David and Victoria Beckham. There is a hint of a sexual atmosphere in the text as the couple are lying on a bed in minimal clothing, reinforcing their chemistry. Armani want you to feel that if you wear their underwear you will feel as sexy as the couple look. Immediately, we notice that the famous David and Victoria Beckham are the couple in the advertisement; they both connote power, wealth, love and attractiveness. Armani want people to buy their product so they're persuading them by implying that if they wear that quality of underwear then you will look as attractive as they do and feel as good as they do too.
David Beckham is well known worldwide for being super talented as a footballer and generally an icon. Victoria Beckham is also a huge success as she was a Spice Girl and is now well respected in the world of Fashion. It is very clever of Armani to use the Beckham couple in the advertisement because a lot of people will want what they have and will believe if they buy underwear they wear then they will be successful, attractive, talented and not only look good in the clothing but to feel good in it too. Due to Victoria being so high in the Fashion world means that people are extremely likely to copy her as many people will aspire to be her. The fact they're together as a couple in the image reinforces power itself because they're only known now as being together and as a family so people with families may feel they can still be sophisticated and look as good as them as a couple too.

In conclusion, when the audience see the Beckham couple, who have connotations with fame, wealth, attractiveness and power; this could mean Armani want expect people to buy their product in hope of a lifestyle like theirs. The sexual nature of the product attempts to persuade people that if they buy the product they will look and feel sexy like the Beckham's actually look on the Advert.

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