Audience Classification Homework

1(a).  The Mainstream:  

The Mainstream audience is the largest of the groups; they are usually family oriented and normal and include themselves in activities that most people find ‘socially acceptable’. They respond to big names and brands, usually like to consume the most popular media texts and would most likely keep the same routine everyday. Because of this I think the media text they would consume the most would be programs such as Coronation Street. I think this as it is aired just after dinner time when everyone in the family is sat together and satisfies their need for ‘security’. Another example of a media text  I believe they would watch is Disney/Pixar movies as they are family friendly and a well known name.

The Suceeder:

The Succeeder audience are very driven, have a large amount of self confidence and tend to aspire for the best in their life. Unlike the Mainstream they most probably don’t have children as they tend to have busy lifestyles and need a change. Because of this I think they would consume social media the most such as Facebook and Twitter because they are always on the go and they need a way to stay connected with family and friends. They like to have the best things as they feel they deserve it and they will also have the best technology qt that time to go on things such as social networking sites as I usually said. Their core need in their lives is control their life and try to organise everyone else’s.

The Aspirer:

The Aspirer audience are very materialistic and superficial. They are very conscious of how others see them and enjoy looking good, what other people may call a superficial imagine. They tend to care other peoples views and opinions rather than their own. Because of this I think they would enjoy reading magazines like Vogue and T.V. shows like Americas Next Top Model. I think this because inside the magazines they include high-end clothes and advertisements which I believe will make this audience feel slightly sophisticated and high end.  It also includes models who they aspire to be like which can be found on shows just like Americas Next Top Model.

The Explorer:

The Explorer audience always enjoy discovering new things and exploring new experiences. They are always looking for something new and thrive on being different to everybody else. They will tend to recommend movies and songs to their friends. Texts I believe would appeal to the explorer is indie movies such as Juno or Pulp Fiction, this is because I believe they would feel they have achieved something by finding something different and that they enjoy.


I believe these type of categories are very useful in discovering audience types, however it can have pros and cons. It helps advertisers and company easily identify their audience and understand their wants and needs in a text. It is pretty accurate with The Mainstream model because a large amount of the population just want to fit in with society but some of them may also come under other models such as The Succeeder. This can be a problem as the method doesn't accommodate merging two audience classifications together. In ways, everybody has elements of all categories.

(1c). Gossip Girl

Name:  Molly
Age: 15
Family: Lives at home with parents and an older brother and sister
Class: C1 (Due to parents)
Self Image: Intelligent, however materialistic. Loves T.V. dramas, Rom coms and gossip magazines
Location: UK
Religion: Catholic but doesn't follow it
Education: High School
Politics: Not interested
Nationality/Ethnicity: White British


The programme displayed on TV is ‘Gossip Girl’. The program is an American teen drama, which centres around four high school friends growing up on the upper east side of New York. It is televised between 7-8pm, which suggests it is for teens as they are able to sit down an watch it after their dinner and a long day at school or college. It also means that it can be for a slightly younger age of 14 or a young adult who may be in higher education or working. I think it is defiantly targeted at a specific group in society, like young people who watch it for entertainment and to pass time, also who are interested in celebrity life style. 

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