Audience classification

1a.) The Mainstreamer is a type of audience that follows the crowd and likes what is popular in the eyes of everyone around them and are often referred to as sheep and follow others alike them. They tend to like popular shows like 'Britain's got talent' and other vote in shows like 'Dancing on Ice'. A stereotypical image of a Mainstreamer would be a 40 year old woman who watches the shows for it a source of conversation, entertainment and something to discuss with friends. They use this mainly as a way of creating conversation and a way of fitting in with others a like them.

The Succeeder would be interested in newspapers and magazines including information on the business world, something on the lines of  'Business insider' which involves a lot of talk about strategy  and ways of making money which would be something they could relate too. They would like the talk of other high end business men and would interest them because they could relate and contrast other similar peoples lives to there own success and share their goals and understand others with similar ones.

The Explorers would be interested in something a bit weird and abnormal and something that doesn't occur daily, for them I picked the film 'Hancock' because it is a mix up of a few different genres like superhero film mixed with a comedy and also a hint of drama. With the films protagonist being more of a anti-hero than superhero it makes the film different and would help make it more appealing to the Explorers who are always looking for something with a unusual storyline and plot.

The Aspirer would be looking for something to help them make themselves look and feel better due to they are driven by other peoples perception of them and peoples opinion on them and how they look and feel about themselves. For them I have chosen 'InStyle', a magazine which includes all different kinds of clothes and near perfect models which is something they would look up to and aspire to, due to the fact they do not really have their own opinion or their own image. They could use the magazine as a source of  fashion tips, ideas and big named brands which they could take as their own and would help give them a sense of confidence.

1b.) I think these categories help to give a general idea on certain kinds of people and what they would be interested in, for example using the Succeeder category is used to describe successful business men or women, and helps business' and advertisers base their adverts for their products easier because the categories give them a idea on how and which way to advertise their products to appeal to the target audience. The categories also have a down side for example some people may fit into more than one or even possibly none of the four, as a improvement the categories could have a few more added categories for people who do not fit into any of them.

1c.) A programme that is currently on the TV is 'The Inbetweeners' which is a show about the life of four six formers and how the tackle school life and gaining a better social standing, it is generally known as a comedy with four teenagers who say and do ridiculous things. It is shown after 9PM due to the language and sexual references, I would say it is aimed at people around the age of 16 to about 30 because it contains some immature scenes and all round bad language which is something that wouldn't appeal to the older generations. The show shows mainly young people which indicates who it is aimed at. The show just contains immature comedy and would be stereotypically for younger teenagers as they could maybe relate to the characters in the show, I think mainly the show would be aimed at men because of the sexual references are always towards women and also the fact the main characters are men.

1d.) I think a show like 'Dancing on ice' would be watched by Trendies because the show is popular and would help them be accepted by others because it would help create a conversation that is popular as is the TV programme. The magazine Business insider would appeal to Egoists who would use it to try and make money and get the best out of their lives and read some of their common interests. The film 'Hancock' would appeal to rebels who would like to watch something different and untraditional and something like them does not fit in which is something they can relate to. The magazine 'InStyle' would be suited for groupies who would want to fit in with others and it would help them gain a sense of fashion that is popular and know for example by wearing popular and well known brands they would look alike others who follow there same path.

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