
In this post i will review the album 'Section.80' by Compton rap artist Kendrick Lamar. Firstly the cover itself features the Holy Bible, on top of the lighter is a lighter and a blunt, which is obviously in contrast to the Holy Bible. This coincides with the song "Kush and Corinthians, These are some themes of the overall album. The story of the album features two girls, "Tammy" and "Keisha" and each have individual songs written about them, 'Tammy's song (her evils) and Keisha's song (her pain). Keisha's song is about a prostitute who eventually falls to her demise while seeking comfort and control. Kendrick also references the crack epidemic in the 80s and Ronald Began , These are arguably the most powerful songs on the album, other classic songs on Section.80 are "A.D.H.D." and "Hiiipower" "The sky is falling,the wind is calling, stand for something or die in the morning" is a reference to a bible verse and is also a powerful message that if you mourn over you problems instead of making an attempt to solve them you might aswell give up and die now. Kendrick's debut album was also a chance for relatively unknown producer's to showcase their excellence. Overall i believe the album is a young man describing the world around him and giving his thoughts on it.

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