Lines of appeal

1. Find an advertising campaign that uses humour as its main persuasive device. Analyse the humour use and discuss who the target audience are using the audience classification methods we have studied.

This advert for Evian water uses a very unusual and almost impossible situation, in which there is a group of babies dancing in a park whilst wearing roller skates. The two situations would not usually be put together which creates a humorous effect. Due to this concept being almost impossible, Evian is portraying the idea that if you were to drink the water you too can do anything.

The target audience for this advert is the Mainstreamers from Young & Rubicam’s 4C’s model. The ideologies associated with this advert, both print and video, is to do with health and that sport should be an important part in your life. This could be why Evian have used babies to advertise their product, because if babies can do exercise and drink enough water when this is virtually impossible; then we should too. Another ideology is about being young and how we should stay young. The advert also plays on the slogan ‘Evian. Live young.’ This had been used in a humorous context, as the babies are the youngest form a person can be, and this also plays on the fact that they are free and have no responsibilities, suggesting that we could be as free as the babies if we drink Evian water.

2. Write down a slogan for a product recently advertised. Analyse the language devices used to say why it is an effective and memorable slogan - how does it speak to an audience?

‘Maybe she’s born with it. Maybe it’s Maybelline’

This is an extremely well known slogan, the words ‘maybe’ and ‘Maybelline’ sound very similar as they both contain the word ‘maybe’ which makes the slogan easy to remember. The word maybe also leaves us open to possibilities and questions as it is not a declarative statement. The word ‘it’ is used, however it is not made clear what ‘it’ is, meaning that it is open to interpretation and makes it more personal as ‘it’ may be different for each person. The text, whether it is in print form or in video form, is always written in black or white capital letters, with the brand name bigger and bolder than the first part of the slogan. The slogan includes the word ‘she’ which suggests that they are talking about someone, but is not made clear who. This leaves us open to the idea that they could be talking about you. This also suggests that if you yourself are not born with ‘it’ then there is something you can do in order to get ‘it’ which would be to use a Maybelline product.

3. Find an advertising campaign that uses shock tactics - analyse why an audience would find it so shocking?

This advert for the child protection campaign NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty Against Children) is seen as shocking as all of their advert uses regular children who are in poor living conditions and look upset. This advert challenges the need to nurture and protect those who are vulnerable, and in this case, young children are used, who are portrayed to be the most vulnerable as they are unable to look after themselves. This makes the audience feel responsible in some way and that they have to tale action to protect these children. This advert also challenges the need to feel safe, as it is made clear that the children shown in the advert are not safe and they are under threat so we feel obliged to act upon this.

The NSPCC logo is written in bold green lettering with a big green full stop after it, with the slogan ‘Cruelty to children must stop. FULL STOP.’ The full stop emphasises the fact that it is the end of the sentence, and also the fact that there is nothing more to say on the matter.

4. Find an advert which stereotypes a group of people, what stereotypes are there in the adver

There is a very happy and loving atmosphere in this advert, as this advert appeals to our love and belonging needs as it shows us a very happy and content family sitting down to eat a meal together. This text stereotypes Italians talking in a strong typical Italian accent, also the music playing in the background is 'traditional' Italian music, which reinforces the stereotype further. Another stereotype is that all families sit down together to eat meals and the idea that it is the woman/mother who is the one to do the cooking in the house.

5. Find an example of intertextuality used in an advert, how is it used - who will recognize the reference?

The GHD advert uses intertextuality, the advert is based around ‘Twisted Fairy tales and includes characters such as Rapunzel, Red Riding Hood and Cinderella. It has the strapline "You can do anything with your hair.” The advert is for the new GHD hair straighteners and would appeal to our need for attention, as we want to be desirable and noticed, products such as the GHD straighteners will help us do so. The characters used in the advert are from extremely well known Fairy tales which most people, if not everyone will be able to recognize. The use of fairy tales creates a feel of nostalgia which engages the audience and causes them to personally relate and identify with the text. The advert uses the intertextual reference from the actual story of Rapulzel by using the famous quote "Rapunzel, Rapunzel" however the quote is changed to be more fitting with the product. 

6. Find an example of elite persons being used in advertising. What do they represent to the audience, why have they been used?

Nicole Scherzinger has been used to advertise the different ranges of the Herbal Essences shampoo and conditioner. Nicole is an iconic celebrity and is known for having radiant hair, therefore she possesses the qualities and ideologies in which Herbal Essences want to promote. The target audience for this advert would be the aspirers because image and appearance is important to them and the succeeders as they seek the best and prestige. Reinforcing the idea that if Nicole Scherzinger is using this brand then it must be good enough for them to use it too.  The advert has been filmed on an aeroplane, which Nicole is sharing with other passengers - which in real life would be highly unlikely due to her status. We see Nicole go into the bathroom and begin to wash her hair with the Herbal essences shampoo, however there is a humorous aspect to this advert, as she accidentally clicks the help button so everyone on board the aeroplane can hear her washing her hair in a very exaggerated manor.

7. Find an example of 'reward & punishment' persuasion in current campaigns. What ideologies are being rewarded and which punished?

This advert offers reward and punishment but mostly punishment. There is colourful child like handwriting on the advert written underneath the typed text, this is done to present the idea that when you do something, children will copy you. The punishment ideology used in this advert is that if you don't have good road safety habits, then your children will too, which could result in something bad happening to them as a result of your actions. There is however a reward offered which is that you can change your road safety issues and nothing bad will come of it. The 'Think' logo is located at the bottom of the advertisement which would be useful for any advice on road safety.

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