Media Diary Week 3

Audience classification on Nike Football advert

The advert features a host of different footballers from different nations across the globe and teenage boys playing football, who turn into the footballers whilst they're playing. The different footballers are the captains of their nation football team for example Ronaldo for Portugal, this shows that the advert is using the players as a image to attract different nations across the world by using a public figure they would admire and want to be like. The teenagers boys featuring in the advert also shows that the products being advertised are aimed at them because they are the ones wearing the products whilst playing football.The brand itself Nike is a world famous brand and by using a host of familiar world renown footballers shows that it is being aimed at high populated countries like Sweden, America, Spain and Portugal helps expand the brand and advertise the products to a wider audience. People would want to buy the brand because it is advertised on famous footballers who they would aspire to be like and they would have the idea that if they wear the brand they can become just like their favourite footballer which is every teenagers dream.

The Mainstreamer and the Aspirer would be the categories the advertisement would be more suited for. The Mainstreamer would be more suited because they like to follow the crowd and as Nike is a world known make and is very popular they would see it as something they would want because everyone else has it so they would feel the need to have it too. The Aspirer would be interested in the advert because they would aspire to be like the footballers in the advert and they would see that wearing clothes a like the famous footballers would help make them more like them and closer to actually being them.

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