Media Diary: Week 6

Guilty Pleasures:

This week was probably the hardest week for me. Its impossible to pick one guilty pleasure of mine that secretly I'm so not guilty about. My iPod is defiantly my guilty pleasure. Its got everything from the whole Hannah Montana soundtracks, Vengaboys ‘Boom Boom Boom’, Rebecca Blacks 'Friday', every Eminem song I’ve ever hard, and even Shaggy's 'It Wasn't Me' (and no I still cant understand what he's saying either ) along with about a thousand other songs which I'm not embarrassed to love. However probably the worst one of them all for a number of reasons is Vanilla Ice’s 'Ice Ice Baby’. It is safe to say I am OBSESSED with this song. This song was released in 1989 and fits into the genre of hip hop. The baseline of the song is Queen’s ‘Under Pressure’ which I also love, probably making me love it even more.

Obviously the original target audience was teens of the 80s/90s that enjoyed the hip hop genre however you could also say it was for people who also enjoyed Queen’s Under Pressure and wanted to hear it in a different way. So the target audience in media terms would probably be the Explorer as it is something different and a different spin on a classic song you could say. Also as the teen’s parents are more likely to not like the text for that very reason the audience would probably love it even more just to annoy their parents.  

I suppose some people would assume that as I was not a teen in the year Ice Ice Baby was released that I’m not the target audience and wouldn’t assume that I would listen to it willingly as much as I do however I have a very large musical taste. I will listen to anything! Literally anything. Any genre or any period in history, I’ll listen to it and most probably enjoy it. I’ve always known and liked the song as long as I can remember but as I got older and found friends who were more like me with their music taste it grew on me more. Even resulting in me and my best friends singing it constantly in our free time and last year me and my best friend making our own dance moves up to it (even beginning to love the Jedward version).

This song mainly appeals to me as it is not like any song that is out now, it allows me to escape and just enjoy a song for what it is.

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