Media Studies Diary Week 4

A media text that changed my life was an album by a Punk band called Anti-Flag.
This album was called For Blood And Empire.        

This album changed my life as it was the first band I properly listened to and became a fan of. As well as this it determined my music taste from an early age. It also made me think more about politics in the western world due to its anti establishment themes and left wing views.
I first consumed this text when I was 9 or 10 years old. I had began exploring different types of music when my uncle introduced me to Dead Kennedys, and so I came across this. This text makes me feel in high spirits due to its upbeat tempo in its songs and catchy lyrics. This text continues to influence me today as it continues to challenge most opinions about the government and the supposed "help" they give us, it made me research into politics more and form my own opinion on politicians based on that research (although the music itself influenced my opinion too). I believe that this album influenced other people to become more politically active as well as bringing new life to the punk genre which had been growing smaller and smaller since the early 90's.

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