Representations of Masculinity

This is England represents the ideas of masculinity mainly through the character of Combo. In the film he is released from prison and has developed a horrible view on the world. He comes out extremely violent and racist and attempts to brainwash young Shaun to having the same beliefs as himself and does this by almost guilt tripping Shaun about his Dads death in the Falklands.

Combo is extremely violent and this is shown throughout the film, especially one of the final scenes when Combo nearly kills Milky. He is a very angry man and it is shown throughout his facial expressions and his intonation. Almost every thing he says he say angrily. The scars underneath his eyes show that he is violent and signifies that he may be that way for the rest of his life. The tattoos on his face and neck also connote pain and permanence, again perhaps indicating that he will remain the same for as long as he lives. Despite the fact Combo is a skinhead, we can see he has a receding hairline and is losing his hair, something that most men will suffer with, so this also could represent his masculinity.

After the scene where Combo almost beats Milky to death, he tells Shaun to stop crying and that 'real men don't cry.' This is a phrase that has been said for many years and men who cry have been made out to be weak. Some people have a belief that men shouldn't cry as they are supposed to be strong and not let their emotions get the better of them. However, earlier on in the film, Combo cries himself after being rejected by Lol, so here Combo shows his hypocrisy.

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