'' 70% of teen girls agreed that magazines strongly influenced what they thought was the ideal body type.''  - education.com

magazines create a construction of the perfect woman and perfect body image instead of featuring real life women of society. Appeals more in womens' magazines then mens because women are portrayed as constantly body conscious and looking for their 'beach body'. 

''researchers reporting that teenage girls rely heavily on them for information on beauty and fashion, valuing their advice nearly as highly as that of their peers.''  


Representation has gotten to a point where its created a Society that relies on 

superficial points of view from an unknown individual behind a screen rather 

than an individual they trust and have known forever. 

''66 percent of women are influenced by underweight models in magazines. The women who were shown pictures of thin models showed a decline in self-esteem and overall mood'' - LIVESTRONG.COM
Rather than magazines acting like a type of support or advisor for women it does nothing but bring them down when its meant to be lifting them up. Mens magazines fulfil their needs through their stereotypical interests  of cars and how to get the right girl. Women's magazines use underweight models whilst advertising products. Example; a picture of an underweight model and describing her as having a beach body and a fantastic figure whilst advertising diet pills.  

''men's magazines and women's magazines often follow the same general formula. Men's magazines are mostly based around heavily eroticized images of women. And women's magazines are also based around heavily eroticized images of women.'' -TheAtlantic.com (use as intro maybe)

''We provide pictures of girls in the same way we provide pictures of cool cars. It is ornamental. Women's magazines do the same thing.''  - The Atlantic.com - Alex Bilmes 

''The fact that women are assumed to be the objects not just in men's magazines, but in women's as well, indicates just how prevalent, and how constricting, gender expectations can be.'' - TheAtlantic.com 
women can identify with pictures of women so would rather be photographed as objects but they can also be objectifiers.  This shows that gender expectations can be less restricted than expected by society. 

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