Moral Panics: Research Log A

The Role of Stereotypes

Richard Dyer

Published: 1999

"stereotypes as a form of 'ordering' the mass of complex and inchoate data that we receive from the world are only particular form -- to do with the representation and categorization of persons"

"part of the way societies make sense of themselves"

"not only is any given society's given ordering of reality an historical product but it is also necessarily implicated in the power relations in that society -- as Berger as Luckman put it, 'he who has the bigger stick has the better chance of imposing his definitions of reality'"

"it is also implicated in the power relations in that society -- as Berger and Luckmann put it, 'he who has the bigger stick has the better chance of imposing his definition of reality' (1967: 127)" 
 This is powerful as Christianity is known to be the most practiced religion globally therefore it is much easier to make the Islamic faith a moral panic as the beliefs are different and Christianity "hold the bigger stick".


"easily-grasped form of representation but none the less capable of condensing a great deal of complex information and a host of connotations"


 "The type is any character constructed through the use of a few immediately recognisable and defining traits, which do not change or 'develop' through the course of the narrative and which point to general, recurrent features of the human world"
Part of the Islamic moral panic is specific clothing Muslims wear due to their belief system however due to historic events they have negative associations and representations.

"The type is any character constructed through the use of a few immediately recognisable and defining traits, which do not change or 'develop' through the course of the narrative and which point to general, recurrent features of the human world"

Part of the Islamic moral panic is specific clothing Muslims wear due to their belief system however due to historic events they have negative associations and representations.

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