quotes from academic sources

Narrative and genre by Nick Lacey

 'in conventional narrative,stories must always be chronologically constructed otherwise they would be judged to violate the rules of our universe; they would destroy the rules of logical casualty which define narrative'
'Like a signifier,it is what the audience perceives'
'like a signified,story is what the reader conceives or understands'

'Hollywood executives often refer to this background information,which explains characters motivation as the back story' 

'Characters can only perceive  diabetic material where as the audience,obviously,can perceive everything a text has to offer,including non diegetic material'   

'Perhaps the character types in film switch for the audience in this final scene.regarding Propp's theory of character types'

Power of time-media magazine-Emma Louise Howard

'Time can be so central as to be almost incorporated as a character itself'

Film art-an introduction David bordwell and kristin Thomas 

'Stories surround us.
In childhood, we learn fairy tales and myths. As we grow up we read short stories,novels,history and biography' 

"Going to the movies" 'We are going to see a narrative film- a film that tells a story' 

'Narrative form is most common in fictional films,but it can appear in other basic types' 

'Spectators approach a narrative with definite expectations'

'We have anticipations that are characteristics of narrative form itself' 

'We make sense of narrative,then by identifying it's events and linking them by cause and effect,time,and space' 

'We often make assumptions and inferences about events in narrative' 

'The term plot is used to describe everything visibly and audibly present in the film before us'

'A long with a body,a Character has traits.traits are attitudes,skills,habits,tastes,
psychological drives,and any other qualities that distinguish the character' 

'The plot may also present causes but withhold story effects,prompting suspense and uncertainty in the viewer' 

'A plots withholding of events is perhaps most disruptive at the end of a film' 
'Horror and science fiction often leave us temporarily in the dark about what forces lurk behind certain events' 

'temporal order,we are quite accustomed to films that present events out of story order,a flashback is simply a portion of a story that the plot presents out of chronological order'

'A single story event may appear twice or even more in the plot treatment' 

'This increased frequency may allow us to see the same action in several ways'

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