Lucozade advert

in my opinion this adverts target audience are males who enjoy sport or who just like the taste of the drink. This advert targets the working class and below on the income status model because the audience members in these categories are most likely to drink Lucozade. This advert shows how Lucozade is better than water in a endurance test, the aspirer enjoys having the best products and this is apparently the best drink for athletes and so this would fulfil their needs to win. I also think that this advert targets egoists because this product will give them the most out of their sporting experience. 

This advert uses techniques to show how superior it is to other products such as water in this clip.  A group of people/athletes take part in a endurance test and half of the group use Lucozade. The contestants using Lucozade last the longest on the treadmills whereas the people using water for energy fail. The advert shows how buying this product allows the audience to be a better athlete than others and so people will want the product. The line of appeal that uses this advert is the 'Need to aggress' because the audience will be allowed to be elite against other people and the product allows a person to have a upper hand. It promotes the idea that if you buy this product you can be superior to your competitors. It can also be a 'physiological need' because not everyone who drinks the product is an athlete and some people drink it just because the enjoy the taste. 

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