media diary 4 - Blackfish

Media diary - Week 4

 A media text that changed my view was the documentary Blackish. The documentary is about how Sea worlds theme parks capture orcas and hold them in captivity. I totally engaged with this documentary on an emotional level. The documentary made me absolutely shocked and disgusted how so many people can go along and capture these animals and take the children away from the mothers.

Before I watched this documentary I didn't even think about how the whales are captured. Even a few years ago went i went to America and visited Sea world i didn't even think about how the whales got their and how they were treated but know i have watched the documentary I have actually released that Sea world as a company are disgusting and they need to be shut down because the way that the animals are treated can damage the health of the whale and even the health of the trainers. According the documentary the trainers that train with the orcas only have two weeks on training before they are entered into the pool with the whales, this puts the trainers at a high risk. The documentary made me think about how wrong it is to keep animals in captivity and keep them isolated. This is probably one of the biggest documentary that changed peoples opinions on Sea world as recently sea world have been banned from breeding any orcas. I think eventually Sea world will be stopped from keeping any orcas in captivity.

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