Media Diary Week 4, The Text That Changed My Life... The Secret

The media text that changed my life was the documentary 'the secret'. This documentary is about the secret to a positive attitude and happiness in your life, this changed my outlook on my own life as it went through the benefits of being positive and personally made me want to be a happier person throughout my life. This documentary made me want to change my attitude as I saw people who were always negative and the world acted against them but once they began to become positive the world rewarded them and started making things go their way. 'The secret' teachers you first hand how to be successful in life and how to constantly enjoy life no matter what is thrown at you because if a negative happens there is always a positive on the back of that.
This documentary says that when you think negative things and believe your life is full of negatives then you attract negative things from the world which make your life a lot tougher, whereas if you think and feel positive even when a negative happens you attract positive things to help you through life and help you over come the negatives. I think this movie changed my outlook on life due to the fact because it has worked for other people and all the people in the documentary where living good lives due to having a positive attitude. In addition to this there were a lot of scientists in the documentary meaning it must have had a large scientific side giving it much more reliability.
'The secret' shows different people that have used different techniques to stay positive and reach their goals in life, for example one man had a board where he put pictures of different things he wished to achieve in his life and one of the pictures on the board was a house and later in life he looked back and that house on the picture was the house he ended up living in, this shows that with perseverance he reached his intended goals. This changed my view on my own life as it showed me the importance of living each day happy and to not hold n to negative pointless things as life is short and its best to look back and think about how well you did not the mistakes you made or the things you didn't do as having a negative attitude can really hold you back. It also showed to me how making goals is a really good idea and that setting targets is important as you have things to strive towards as it is also better to set your goals higher than you think possible because then if you do reach them you will be proud and feel a sense of accomplishment.
This documentary is all about being successful in life and the main  goal about it is to change peoples views of the world and their own attitude and I think it really does do this because all people I know that have seen this have said it has made them become more positive. I also think it wants to reduce the amount of negativity in the world and in people as it is all about being positive. Overall I think the documentary is brilliant and really does change peoples views about the world and their own life.

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