Media Diary Week 4

The text that changed my life: Edward Scissorhands

The fist time i watch Edward Scissorhands i was around the age of 7. My dad used to always watch films with me and usually the films where 80s/90s films; these films are still the films that I watch and love today. One day he put on Edward Scissorhands and i was instantly captivated. Everything from the colour scheme, the outfits, the story line and the most influential one to me was the score. This was the first time that I had watched a Tim Burton film so it was nothing like i have ever seen before. It was like i was watching a dream land but with this twist of natural darkness within it. The thought of the man living up on a hill with in a suburban town creating a living man just captured me, I though of it as if it was a bedtime story just as Kim is telling her granddaughter the story at bed time. 

The score that Danny Elfman had produced for this film also added a major attraction to the film to me as it made me listen and pay close attention to the film. This score has had a massive impact on my life; I still listen to it now and get goose bumps and a rush of emotions when listening to it. This had lead me into a deep fascination with film scores, especially film scores by Elfman such as The Corpse Bride, The Nightmare Before Christmas and Beetlejuice. The piece of music which has left a mark on me is 'Death!'. Everything about it add this magical yet emotional effect on  me, the harp add this sense of this heavenly atmosphere. However within the matter of 3 seconds when the strings flat it turns into a darkness with one beat and has this instant effect on me. 

Not only did it start my love for music scores it also started my so called obsession with Tim Burton films and Johnny Depp. I don't know what it is about Tim Burton but his films have always completely grabbed my attention and have left me feeling as if I want to watch more and more of his films. To me Tim Burton is one of my all time favorite directors along with Steven Spielberg because their films have always left an impact on me.

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