Media Diary Week 4

A film that has changed my perspective in life was a film known as Get Carter; this is because it changed my perspective on the representation of women in film. In the film the female characters are poorly treated and are shown no respect, they are exploited and are simply used for sex appeal. When I first saw the film I thought it was cheap British film designed to attract the audience through pointless sex scenes and random acts of violence. After watching the film I now focus on how women and other members of society are represented in film in greater detail then I did before. An example of how this affected me was when I was watching the film Antman as in the film Dr Pym creates a suit that allows the user to shrink in size, his daughter has trained for years on how to use the suit and the abilities it gives to the user. However instead of letting her use the suit he instead gives it to a random stranger that they do not even know, this felt unfair to me as she was more than capable of being the main character but instead she is put to the side lines in favour of this stranger. The justification for this is that Dr Pym does not want any harm to come to his daughter; however this contradicts his own experiences as he allowed his wife to go on missions with him that could have resulted in her death. While the intention of the film Get Carter was not for me to be appalled by the treatment of the women in the film, it never the less lead to that conclusion.

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