Media Diary // Week 4:'The Text that Changed My Life'

The media text that I think changed my life drastically would have to be Twitter. The reason why I think that Twitter changed my life is firstly, becoming interactive with other people who have the same interests as me; I thought that this was great to also have friends over the internet.
            When I first consumed the media text, I didn't know how to use it all, however as time went on I got used to it and literally became addicted to tweeting and talking to other people. Despite me becoming overly addicted to this social network, it changed me as a person drastically! I became getting more opinionated than I'd ever been, due to being surrounded by so many different personalities, which cause a shift in my own. I began to stay in more, rather than going out and socialising with friends, but stay on Twitter all day, everyday! I think another reason as to why I became so addicted to Twitter was because everything that I wanted to find more out about, for example, news and just general knowledge, I would easily be able to find the information out so fast, due to trending hashtags and just the general knowledge of other accounts on there.
          I feel in a way that Twitter would impact on other people's lives is by how firstly, like me, they would become addicted once they get the hang of working the social network, due to he reasons of interaction with other accounts and being able to find out information; secondly, I think that Twitter could cause people some personal problems... Them being, that accounts on Twitter could possibly a certain individual feel rather uncomfortable and make them feel intimidated (cyber-bullying), which could impact on someone's mental state and how they cope. Another thing is that Twitter could boost a certain individuals ego, for example accounts looking up to an ordinary person and tweeting them compliments etc... But also because of the amount of followers they have...
         Twitter doesn't affect me as much as it did about two years ago, as I have fell out of he phase of going on my phone and checking my news feed every two seconds, and have realised that there are more things to life than sitting around doing nothing and talking to hidden identities behind a computer screen.

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