Media Diary Week 5: Uses and Gratifications

A media text that I have consumed this week was The Flash. A reason this TV show appeals to me is because of the social interaction. Every week a new episode is released and I have a few friends and a brother who also watch it so when we have seen the new episode we talk about what happened and what we thought was good about it and whether it was better than the last or not. Another reason I watch The Flash is for escapism. Ever since I was younger I have always loved media texts with superheroes in and I was always fascinated by the idea of people having super powers and I always wanted one. Watching media texts like The Flash is probably the closest thing to being a superhero I will ever be, it also appeals to me because of nostalgia, since I watched TV shows like that as a child it reminds me of when I was younger.
Another media text that I consumed this week was the video game Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. This text appeals to me because of Escapism. The world this games takes place in is very much like ours but with many legends that were true and with lots of hidden and forgotten treasure to be found. The main character Nathan Drake goes on adventures to find these treasures which always lead to him saving the world from someone who would use the legends for evil. These are the kind of things that appeal to me and I would like to go on an adventure like this. Another reason Uncharted 2 appeals to me is because of Personal Identity. All the way through this game Nathan Drake goes through life risking events that make me connect with him and it makes me enjoy the game and story a lot more. This also appeals to me because of nostalgia. The first time I played this game was when I was 13 and I recently bought the remastered version of this game which means I got to play it again but with updated graphics, resolution and frame rate which means it was almost a new game that I got to play again for the second time. 

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