Once upon a Time

Once upon a time is a TV series that was aired on Sky 1 but now appears on Netflix. Its about people lives changing from what they thought was normal to being characters in fairytales and children's stories. The target audience would mainly be girls between the ages of 13-18 but mostly 13 year olds. Who are probably still in school, year 8 going into year 9, who have a normal education.

 I believe the preferred reading of the TV series is to understand that the family are a big part, if not the biggest part, in anyones life. People should trust their family and also protect them. To also take the preferred reading approach people should also be aware of the fact that everything that happens to these once normal people all happens in fairytales and stories you tell your children, none of it is real. But you are given that sense of realness when the producers include towns and cities everyone has heard of, stories they know people will have been told when they were little kids and giving them stories a twist to make fairytales seem not so perfect after all. I believe the ideologies of Once upon a time would be that you can be a hero and be brave on your own as well as needing you family and friends to help. The main character is Emma Swan, Jennifer Morrison, who is strong, young woman who is trying to her her son and save her family from danger. Giving the audience, who are mainly young girls, the feeling that they can be just like that, strong and brave. Teaching children they can do what they want as long as the believe in themselves. People can be strong with and without the support of family and peers around them.

 Someone would take a oppositional reading if they were elderly or even just over the age of 30. People would say that the show is giving children a false expectation of what life is like , with all the supernatural experiences that go on throughout the series. People suggest that the media constantly tell us lies, TV should stay as much to the truth as possible. Oppositional readers would say that because the show mainly focuses on the family that the ideologies for the show don't show that family is important. Strong, powerful and brave are the ideologies of the show, the say states that you can be these ideologies without the family. Some people would also say that the main focus in life isn't just the family but education and peers as well which the shown doesn't show as much as it does about the family.

Culture experiences like peoples location, religion, education and socio-economic could be reasons why they don't like the show. For example if they don't agree with the preferred reading they will take the oppositional reading which suggests that family is't the most important thing in life but education is meaning they are of a older generation. Which still believes education is the most important thing in life, while yes it is important is it really the most important? The elder generation would be people that walk down the street still reading a newspaper or the people who fill out the cross words in the newspaper because they value the education they were given. Not many people had the money to go to school, so the people who did would value the time they spent there and will not want to lose the talents and all the grammer and proper english they have learnt. This is how someones cultural experiences could affect the reasons why they will not enjoy the TV series One upon a time, as the show is set in a modern day environment and modern day twists on old time fairy tales and children stories.

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