Second audience questions

Second audience questions

1) Two theories that are associated with the effects debate are the hypodermic syringe model and the inoculation/desensitisation model. The hypodermic syringe model is the theory that violent images in media texts could influence the behaviour of some people exposed to them. According to this theory the audience receive an injection of a media text. This could be both a positive and a negative thing. However, there are some problems with this theory such as, it ignores peoples free will and personalities and it also suggest the audience is passive. Some examples in which people think this theory as affected people is the the James Bulger case, they say that the murder was based on the film 'child's play 3'. The other theory is the inoculation theory suggest that if audiences are exposed to long repeated media messages then over time they will come immune to it. So if audiences are exposed to media violence they will eventually wont find it shocking. This means people may commit a violent act because it no longer seems shocking to them. Many things that might have been seen wrong years ago that the media shows us on a regular basis such as sex, drugs use,alcohol use and violence. An example of this is when Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold massacred 12 school children and one teacher in an school in America. People say they committed this because they played violent video games and watched violent movies and listened to heavy music and over the years they become immune to it all.

2) The difference between active and passive. An active audience reception suggest the audience don't just absorb the media they are consuming but they are actually involved, sometimes unconsciously, in making sense that any message as it relates to them in their own personal context. Active audience may interpret the media a certain way from just their own cultural background differently from someone else with a completely different background. An passive audience reception suggest that the audience are controlled by the media as they are puppets. The audience receiving the information from the media is literally just - passive. It suggest that the audience don't question or even intellectually engage at all with what you see in the media, they just sort of drink it in. This also suggest that the audience are manipulated by the creators of the media texts, and that our behaviour and thinking might be easily changed by media-makers.

3) I think the argument about violent games and movies making someone violent is a ridiculous idea. Violent media will not make someone commit a crime, it may move them in an shocking or emotional level but that is it. Every person has the basic knowledge of wrong and right and a violent media text wont change that. The mental state of that person is the only thing that will make someone commit a violent act.

4)I think an active audience are more acceptable than passive for many reasons. An active audience are more independent. The active audience gets more involved with the films and understand what's going on unlike a passive audience who don't interact with the media. The active audience are more in control of what they consume  while an passive audience follower of the crowd and consume what everyone else is consume. The active audience are a lot more free willed in what media they consume, the passive audience are more dominated in what media they consume.

5)The media text that i have chosen is Friends. If I had to apply the uses and grafications model then this shows gives me escapism as it is a show i can sit down, and relax and forget about college work and have some down time. The popularity of the show allows me to social intereact with other about the programme because the humour used is the type of humour i use with friends so we can talk about the jokes used.

6)The advert i chose is the latest nike advert 
This advert is football players having a game of football and when the team goes to have a goal kick the other team goalie turns into the hulk and saves it. This advert it about Nike football boots. The preferred reading of this advert would be that Nike football boots are the best ones to buy and Nike goalie gloves will make you aggressive and 10 times better in goal

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