Media Diary 5

The media text I am going to discuss is the film If I Stay. This film is one of my all time favourites as it has so much connection with the audience due to the involvement so it makes you feel apart of what is happening. A quick summary of the film is there is a family (mum, dad, brother, and sister) and they are all in a life threatening car crash. Sadly the mother, father and brother pass away and Mia is the only survivor. Throughout the film, many flashbacks are shown to tell the story of how they all grew up and I think this is very effective as it keeps the audience engaged because the appearance and times changed so it keeps the film interesting. In Mia's mind, she is alive and can see everything that is happening and she knows about her family dying, she has to make a choice whether to stay or leave. Throughout the film, it keeps the audience asking one question,will she stay or will she go?

If I Stay can be a life changing film as my experience consuming was emotional. The director makes the audience feel so engaged because of the flashbacks in the film. Most of the flashbacks are involving her family and how she grew up and this makes an emotional connection with the audience because everybody is part of a loving family and the car crash wakes the audience up to think that anything bad and life threatening could happen to our love ones at any time and we don't even know it. Also, in the flashbacks it show the character Mia arguing with her parents, this is relatable because every teenage girl has some sort of argument or disagreement with their parents whether its small or big and this makes the audience believe that we take thinks for granted what our parents do for us and we need to start appreciating our things.

The director also inserted a montage, in this montage slow, happy music is played in the background and it portrays Mia's life so far. This makes the audience feel engaged as the music creates almost a sad atmosphere and makes the audience feel emotional because of the accident. There is one particular scene which made me the most emotional, the grandad is talking to Mia whilst she is unconscious in the hospital and as he is talking he starts to cry. I think when a character in the film cries, it has an emotional involvement with the audience as for me when I see somebody cry it makes me want to cry with them. If I Stay is a great film and it taught me to appreciate everything always and to never take anything for granted as the most devastating thing can happen at any time to the ones you love the most.

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