The trailer of "The Martian" is a science fiction movie, featuring Matt Damon. The start of the film shows the early part of the story and how they got into the mess, showing multiple of shots of the journey going wrong, including a very long shot of Planet Earth to show how far away they are from survival, and how dangerous their job really is. The start of the film is a series of shots going back and forth between Damon and the problem, they encounter, Damon was narrating over the shots of him being taken out by an unidentifiable object while his crew gets taken away, only to be assumed by the audience that they unfortunately die as they don't feature again in the trailer. The use of narration is important as it fills the audience own on scenic details, he' explain that he has to create "water" and "crops" on a planet that doesn't create anything, which create humour and portrays the point that Damon is trying to make.
The music is important to the trailer as it goes incredibly well with the editing and the CGI of the trailer
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