Image result for cheryl cole l'oreal advert

Cheryl Cole is used as the main image with in this article and the use of a big close up is used to focus on her complexion and promotes the ideologies that appearance is important and we should use beauty products to enhance our appearance. By looking into the camera with a warm smile connotes a sense of friendliness and an inviting image for the company will appeal to people of all age as she is relatable to all.  She is made very relatable to the audience due to the fact she comes from a lower class in a working class area in Newcastle, promotes the idea that her and the audience are one or are very similar as she has experienced the same life experiences as them. The fact that cheryl is also promoting the product gives it a unique selling point and connotes the idea that it is a low cost product with  a high quality delivery.  It is seen that cheryl isn't wearing any clothes therefore suggest that the company are trying to promote the idea that people should feel comfortable in their own skin however this is a juxtaposition as the idea of make up is to cover up your own skin therefore promotes mixed messages and supports the idea that we should cover up in order to achieve perfection in societies eyes. This coveys that cheryl is a very self assured, and image concerned promoting the idea that she is very vain and appearance is very important to her rather than supporting the idea that young women should love themselves no matter what they look like.

The use of language in the text has been chosen specifically to represent the product but also to represent Cheryl in a certain way.  The lexis ' perfect match' connotes the idea that cheryl strives for perfection in her day to day life and wont settle for anything less, that she believes she deserves. this promotes a very empowering image and can make her appear a role model to women everywhere to promote the idea of never settling for something less than you deserve.

The target audience of this advertisement is aimed at women of all ages who are interested in self maintenance, and trying to make them selves look more physically pleasing, this could also tie in to cheryl and suggest that she is quite vulnerable and underneath all of the glamour and the fame she is conscious about herself like every other women.  

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