Putin person of the year TIME magazine cover analysis

Masthead:the bold 'TIME' image is heavily obscured by the face of Putin, connoting his intimidating presence. Vladimir Putin is the leader of a very powerful country and unlike the leaders of the UK and the US he doesn't have to go through any  democratic system to exercise his power; so him appearing confrontational, even surpassing the magazine title in importance, represents this power.
Strapline: the Strapline 'Person of the Year' sums up that Putin is the most important person or the most influential person of that year. The wording doesn't imply that they are the best or worst person of the year, suggesting that the articles will take at both the positive and negative aspects of subjects. 

the main image: Putin is positioned in the centre of the cover and takes up a large portion of it. He is in focus  and is holding a neutral expression, neither positive or negative. In certain scenarios a neutral expression could indicate boredom or the mundane, but in this scenario it is likely to show seriousness. he is wearing a suit and his eyes are looking directly at the reader. This formalness and gaze of his connotes hostility; fitting as he is the head of one the US' largest oppositions, Russia. Putin was chosen for the front cover as he is the focus of this issue, as 'Person of the Year'. the photo was edited in this particular way, placing Putin in the centre of the cover, masking the majority of the cover, in order to represent his presence and power on the global scale it also reassures readers that he will be the focus of this issue.

layout and mise-en-scene:  from a visual perspective the minimalistic approach of the cover along with the washed out grey background indicate a serious and potentially sinister view of putin without being too demonising. it respects him as a human being, referring to him by his title while not portraying him in a favorable light; he is wearing a serious expression and with a neutral, monotone background. this neutral theming may reflect TIME's view of him as someone who blurs the lines of morality and ethics in order to pursue his goals.

interpellation: Putin's face and how it stands out from the washed out background helps draw attention to the magazine. It contrasts with a typical magazine cover, even for more intellectual works. In addition to that the 'Person of the Year' Strapline is an exclusive Tradition to TIME magazine that makes news headlines every year, which no doubt draws attention to the issue and helps boost sales.

target audience: 

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