Empire magazine attracts both the explorer and succeeder with its content and makes the audience believe in the ideological messages presented by the magazine. Empire magazine is all about new films and discovering alternative types of film which is perfect for the explorer but also provides the audience with knowledge and insight into what happens off screen which appeals to the succeeder. An example of this would be from the 2017 Feb magazine with an article of behind the scenes, Liam Neeson becoming a monster, this would be good for the succeeder as it gives them advanced knowledge about the extras and more in depth parts of a film rather than just the on screen things, this will make them popular and make them feel like they have status over others and the control to tell people exactly what goes into the making process of a film. However an article about The Man in The High Castle: Season 2 is good for the explorer as it allows them to play out a what if scenario in a TV series, they can explore what it may have been like if the Nazis did win the second world war. Empire magazine provides both of these audience type with their core needs of control and discovery which means they are more likely to take the preferred reading and accept the ideological messages that the magazine is trying to highlight such as all film is valuable, celebrity is important, film is social and should be shared etc.
Empire magazine positions the audience as if they are a friend and an equal, the mode of address of the magazine is more like the magazine and the audience are on the same level and share a love for film but the magazine is simply passing on extra knowledge to the audience so they are more clued in. At no point does the magazine talk the audience as if they are less, it simply tells the audience more information in a sophisticated and intellectual way that the audience will accept.
Empire magazine explicitly shows that film is important but also shows that celebrity opinion and celebrity culture is important, this is shown in an article about the new Game of Thrones series where it says "three Hollywood stars tell us how they're feeling" this shows that celebrity opinion is important and that although they are celebrities they have bought into TV series and films just the same as us.
However not all audience members will accept the ideological messages of this magazine as the magazine never rates a film lower than three stars as it champions all film, but many audience types may see this as pointless and think if a film is bad then it is simply bad there is no two ways about it a film that isn't good shouldn't be championed just on the basis that it is a film and someone has taken the time to make it, leading to the audience seeing that the magazine is bias to film and because it likes all films it doesn't tell the audience the bet from the worst.
Overall Empire magazine does attract its target audience and the preferred reading is taken by most, however like with every media text there will be people who do not and decide to take a oppositional or negotiated reading.
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