Fire Safety Advert

This advert from an unknown advertisment campaign, is showcasing the dangers of fire. "I started a fire to make me look good in front of my mates",  the anchorage is in place to tell the audience that this child started a fire for admiration. Ultimatly the ideology portrayed is that fire is extremely dangerous and is not to be used as entertainment purposes.

The advert uses shock tactics to catch the audiences eyes; the image in which is used is Connor's face after the accident. The quote from Connor about starting the fire for his mates is colored red, which connotes danger and urgency as well as it being eye-catching when put on the white background of the photograph. The facial burns Connor has suffered is supposed to set an example for the audience, to make them think twice about using fire.

Lines of Appeal:
This advert aims at anyone really, but emphasises a younger audience like Connor, who are not well aquianted with the dangers of fire. As previously mentioned, the audience are supposed to take Connors injuries as an example of what an uncontrollable fire can do to a human and ultimatly shock them into using cation around flammable objects. In Maslow's hierarchy of needs, this advert serves as a survival/safety needs and appeals to pretty much any of the 4c's.

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