Media Essays

Text:Kick Ass 
Essay: There are many similarities within Kick Ass towards a conventional comic book. For example, the film has many moments where it features captions indicating a time change or place. There is also a sequence when the history of HitGirl and Big Daddy is revealed. The history of the duo is told in the structure of a comic book. The graphics are the same as that of a comic book and are entirely made up of drawings of the past. It is made clear that the characters of this film are exposed to things such as watching films and being connected to comic books and merchandise. This is shown with the trio’s main sociable place being a comic book store which is also a café. In many other films this could break the illusion that these characters live in their own world. When it comes to conventional narratives of a comic book film you have the usual binary oppositions, good vs evil. This is seen when the narrative of Kick Ass focusing on Dave (Kick Ass) deciding to fight Katie’s demanding ex-boyfriend. To then take on a bigger enemy later in the film which is Frank D’Amico and eventually Chris D’Amico. In terms of themes a conventional film would have a hero out to seek revenge for a murder or crime committed by their villain. However, Dave has no revenge reason, no real motivation in becoming a superhero to protect his city. His only reason is that he wants to see why nobody has ever tried it but also to see whether he could be successful at it. He then later uses his new identity to so that can try to impress his girlfriend Katie. The film does however, include the typical character types. Considering Vladimir Propp’s character types Katie, Dave’s Girlfriend is the princess, Chris and Frank D’Amico are the villains. There are parallel narratives that the film follows which are that of Frank and Kick Ass’s rivalry, but also the narrative of HitGirl and Big Daddy. The relationship of Big Daddy and HitGirl is not a typical, conventional father daughter relationship. The reason for this is he is training his daughter every day to kill his enemies and the sole purpose for this is to get revenge. When we are first introduced to the duo Big Daddy is shooting g HitGirl in the chest even though she has a bulletproof vest on, to prepare her for whenever she may get shot. There omniscient voiceover allows the audience to know more than the characters. For example, when the Kick Ass impersonator is killed, we know it did not actually Dave, but Frank D’Amico is unbder the illusion that he has been killed. There is always a linear structure to the narrative that consists of a chain of causes and effects. For example, Kick Ass needing help in Razul’s apartment leads to him meeting HitGirl. 
Completed: YES Word Count: (Highlight essay, look bottom left corner) 484 Grade:

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