soap opera research and analysis

typical examples of shows within the soap opera genre
Coronation Street

(opening sequence)

(scene 1)

(scene 2)

a soap opera, such as Eastenders or Emmerdale, Doesn't usually run for more than 30 minutes per episode. Most of these shows are either continuous in their broadcasting or are split into year-long seasons; these formats are practically interchangeable because they result in programmes that are constantly ongoing with the same continuity. this genre of show is usually scheduled to be broadcast in the evening, usually between 6 and 8, as the target audience is middle aged adults who have work and/or children to tend to first and so wouldn't be able to enjoy the programme live if it was aired in the afternoon or morning. the most popular shows within this genre are prone to airing daily while others broadcast episodes multiple time within a given week. the typical format of the show has storylines emerge, occur and conclude in the show's continuity; the characters and setting may change over time because of this (a murder or an arrest is an example of an event that alters the setting) but it never strives towards a single, closing resolution because these shows are meant to be a continually running.

Most soaps have the potential to appeal to 3 out of the 4 needs outlined in the uses and gratification model. Eastenders appeals to all 3 of the needs soaps are designed to appeal to; initially it provides entertainment/escapism by offering drama and conflict to engage viewers in the storyline and characters, but from this a sense of personal identification can emerge as the characters are made to be relatable, the primary audience for this are working class and so they would be able to relate to the situations these characters are put in. Additionally Eastenders aires daily on BBC one, a channel that anyone with a TV license has access to, and so it captures a wide audience therefore it sets itself up to provoke social interaction between friends and family. it would be unconventional if Eastenders appealed to our need for Information (by having a story tie into Brexit or an election for example) but because this genre of programme is focused on the progression of storylines and characters Eastenders keeps to its conventions in order to give its audience what it expects. 

Target Audience: 
The typical target audience for a soap opera are working class people (not a particular inclination of race or gender) who fall into the 35-50 age group. These people have been around for quite some time and are likely to have multiple responsibilities to manage such as long-term relationships, children and full-time jobs. In addition to this because this audience is working class they are more likely to experience problems that effects the characters as most soap operas rarely use characters who are above middle class. This audience naturally gravitates towards this genre of tv programmes because it tackles issues relating to alcoholism and drug abuse 

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