I have chosen this article because it talks how social realism and how it became apparent in in society. the writer of the article is Richard Armstrong, the article itself is talking about how social realism moves where first noticed in France and then was created in Britain before the war. It the goes on to talk about the development of British social realism films after the war and up until 2002.
The main points that the article is making is that British people found relief in social realism movies
 ''searching for relief from hard work, companionship, release from tension, emotional indulgence and, where they could find them, some reaffirmation of the values of humanity."- This making themselves feel more content about the social problems that where actually happening in their every day life. As well the article talks about how social realism movies know can be viewed for entertainment purposes, as he goes on to say that 'entertainment' plays at the multiplex. meaning that aspects may be added int the film only to please the audience. Armstrong also talked about how
''The 'quality film' mirrored a transforming wartime society''- so that the films would adapt to whatever social environment it finds itself in, with the quality of film improving with age.
He talks about how they ''challenging mainstream aesthetics and attitudes. Identified with their directors rather than with the industry, the New Wave films''- so that the films weren't sensored to what the mainstream industry wanted them to be, British social realism films would stay real. he goes on to say how there where ''wider social issues now explored via emotional and dramatic individual stories.''- films where starting to focus more on the person themselves that was effect by their own issues that some people could relate to, rather than a social issue.

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