"We may now a great deal about the particular story the film will tell. Perhaps we ave read the book on which the film is based or we have seen the film to which this is na sequel too"
I agree with quote for a number of reasons. Our individual knowledge on a film can change the way we view it and therefore change the narrative. If we have read the book on which the film is based then it creates expectations amongst audiences who have read this particular text. The narrative can therefore be different for these people as they either have an idea on what will follow or know depending on how much the movie deviates away from the source material. Audiences who view films that are sequels as a stand alone will come out with different opinions and thoughts than audiences who have viewed the films predecessors. The phrase 'the more you know' comes to mind as the more insight you have on a particular text will effect how you view it. The narrative may confuse the person who hasn't saw the films predecessor whereas the person who has saw it will most likely fully understand it.
"Typically a narrative begins with one situation; a series of changes occurs according to a pattern of cause and effect"

from this choosing to start with the narrative in full swing but this only really happens when there is the chance of the audience already having an insight to whats going to happen. For examples films that are connected to others or true historical based films. For example Saving Private Ryan starts with the D-Day landings and gets right into the action. This is because the film was released 56 years after the actual event so the majority of people who watch it will have a relatively good idea about whats currently happening.
Overall this resource is very accurate on how Narrative is conveyed and also how narrative can be used to convey different things. It allows for readers to create their own opinions and own view points on what something means. The quote ' A random string of events is sometimes hard to follow ' can have different opinions attached to it depending on who the reader is. One reader may agree saying that narrative needs to have a certain structure however another may say that how much you know about the film influences this more than anything else. Overall it leaves its self open for debate which in my opinion is the best response as it leaves itself open for debate which will get people talking about the matter at hand.
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