Practice research task for A2

The article was written by Jordan Erica Webber and was posted on The guardian on the 25th of April 2017.

It puts forth the argument that video games are only as addictive as any other hobby that can be easily enjoyed and that only a very small minority of gamers can have their habits equated to an addiction.

The writer sets out the following questions:

  • can games be addictive?
  • should a form of 'gaming disorder' be included in the International Classification of Diseases?
  • Are there any benefits or drawbacks to playing games?
The article outlines that you could qualify for an 'internet gaming disorder' if you spend a lot of time 'thinking about online games', if those games 'replace previous hobbies' or if they are played to 'improve a bad mood'.

The article goes on to explain the 'two main systems' for classifying mental disorders in the west. and the psychological effects of over consumption of games are potentially to be classified as mental disorders in the near future.

However the article balances out this idea with the point of view of an expert in the field with
psychologists Christopher J Ferguson and Patrick Markey. 

According to them, while referencing a study within the American Journal of Psychiatry, those who showed these symptoms didn't appear to experience any of these problems.

This is explained with the logic that these symptoms outlined in the potential internet gaming disorder would be problematic if it was an addictive drug, the example they use being heroin, however it seems perfectly normal if the term 'online gaming' is substituted with any other hobby.

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