India is portrayed in many different ways throughout the film depending on the scene. The different locations such as the slums, the forrest, the Taj Mahal and Bombay transforming into Mumbai. The slums portray the idea and representation of India that most people have in their head. They picture and LEDC with insufficient housing and an overcrowded population. These slums are more than just an over populated area as they're in fact a living breathing community. the slums get described as being alive and constantly moving. The scene in which the Bollywood star fly's into the slums gives an good example of this. The toilet that Jamal is using portrays how the slums are definitely poor in terms of finance and cleanliness however they get on with this as its normal life for them and they don't know anything truly different. The large amount of people that swarm Amitabh Bachan show how many people truly live in the slums as this happens in the space of a minute and its suddenly hard to get near him.
The forrest that Mamon has the children living in shows how easily india can be viewed as quite corrupt and a hard place to be. These type of establishments are all over india because of the amount of poverty. People do desperate things when it comes to wanting to make money, which is why the use of children is always the route that most criminals will of taken. Child labour is popular throughout as its hard for police to keep track of due to the high amount of people. Therefore they don't bother to keep up with it as there is no possible way to.
The Taj Mahal shows both ends of the spectrum in india. This huge tourist attraction makes audiences wonder how somewhere like that can exist in the same country as somewhere like the Slums. How something so breathtaking exists along side something so down ridden and poverty filled. This paints a bigger picture of India's overall economy. The way Jamal and Salim con the tourists out of money is very accurate in how some people will make their money as it shows how easy it truly is to do, especially when someone doesn't know much about their surroundings.
The transformation of Bombay into Mumbai gives a more accurate representation of how India is a country that is constantly changing and in some ways getting better. India statistically is the country with the fastest growing economy and is the recommended country to invest in because of how quickly its growing. The scene with Jamal and Salim in which they're sitting on a tall building and Salim says how this current area used to be their slum portrays this. In the the ten years that they're away from it at least 3 or 4 huge buildings appear in their place. Mumbai is a constantly evolving place with new things and places appearing consistently
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