Marketing - Kick-Ass

Effective set of Posters?

The set of posters in which all four characters needed to be collected could prove to be the most effective. The writing in the background that reads "Kick-Ass" that spreads across all four is clever, because it results in the audience having to purchase all four. This can enhance the money it makes, but more importantly, the audience become immediately familiar with the four main characters that are going to be in the film. Having all four characters with some description of them, plus their real names allows the audience to become fully aware of the characters prior to even watching the film, which gets them engaged in the film from an early stage. Whats also important in these posers is the iconography, all four characters stand in the 'Superman" pose, onlooking over the city of New York like a Guardian of the Galaxy.

One poster that isn't effective is possibly the one that features Hit-Girl, Red-Mist or Kick-Ass individually, standing up in a Low Angle shot, with paint splatted around them. These posters make it seem like a kids movie, specifically Hit-Girl, who does not look menacing or violent in the posters, a big contrast to how she is in the film. Hit-Girl's character and costume actually resembles one similar to the children on Lazy-Town, a children's show, again emphasising that the Hit-Girl character is not fully established to be violent until you watch the trailers, TV Spots or the film.

TV Spots different from the trailer?

TV spots are usually much shorter than the actual trailer, however Kick-Ass made several TV Spots, each one centred around an individual character. Hit-Girl and Big-Daddy have a TV Spot, and there characters are explained well, giving the contrast between Mindy/Hit Girl and Damon/Big-Daddy, specifically Damon, who is portrayed to be quite strange in the TV Spot. The Red-Band trailer is one that reflects the film, however the TV Spots do not include any of the

Appeals of all this marketing?

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