So you've heard me go on about this for a while now - but I need to make my case clear and as much as I'd like to there just isn't time in the lesson!
My argument is simple: The Dark Knight Rises is the best film this Millenium.
Waddaya mean soup for tea... again!? |
When I talk about how much I love this film and how I saw it twice at Imax this summer, people always tell me that if I like comic book movies then I would love this year's Avengers Assemble. I always smile politely but know deep down that I wouldn't like it. I love the Dark Knight trilogy exactly because it takes the rule book of every comic book movie made and tears it up in front of us. I love that it tackles big subjects, I love that it doesn't treat its audience like idiots, I love that it's moody and dark but also funny and over the top.
So basically this is it. There hasn't been a more important, more exciting or more relevant movie since Fight Club.
When Gotham is ashes you have my permission to comment...
Dark knight rises is not the above every film of the last 12 years... Its not even above its previous film.
ReplyDeleteThe Dark Knight is blatantly better than DKR.
-The story is better and also has more tension.
-The character Joker is better and has more depth than bane.
-Heath Ledger's performance is better than Tom Hardys.
-Alfred ruined the ending 20 minutes in with "I was on a holiday, in florence, blah blah, I'd see you there, blah blah, this is clearly the ending and i have just ruined the film for you with this stupid speech"
-How does Bane eat?
Gotham is in ashes and so is this film.
While, I disagree that the film is 'in ashes', though I know what you are trying to say, I do agree that DKR is not only not the best film of the millenium but also not even the best of Nolan's trilogy. In fact, It's possibly the weakest! There are countless films which have been released which are stronger than DKR.
DeleteI'll take a couple of these points on the chin - for example Ledger's performance over Hardy's. However the Joker is surely a much easier character to make memorable than Bane.
DeleteI thought that the Alfred stuff - whilst a little bit cheesy - was genuinely emotionally engaging. As for it spoiling the end, I disagree, and this actually brings me to one of the things I loved about the movie. I really didn't think that they were going to make it - the peril was utterly real and I couldn't see any way out for the characters.
I absolutely love the scale of this movie - it is MASSIVE, and it's smart and I'm glad it had the guts to do what it did.
As for Bane eating - each of those little tubes is a little straw and he only eats Slim Fast shakes.
As for the 'countless films' which are stronger - name them (with reasons why).
I proper loved TDKR, like I unbelievably loved it and it really did live up to the 18 month expectation of it, but I can't agree with it being the best film since 2000. I can't say for definite, but I consider Inception to be one of the best, because it's just so insanely clever. Not just because of it's narrative structure, or it's challenging plot; but when you re-watch it, you notice references to the overall plot of the film. You do realise how much thought has went into every aspect of the film, and every time you watch it you seem to appreciate it more.
ReplyDeleteAlso I'm a massive fan of Nolan, and you can't argue with the guy..
Well for a start, I do believe Inception is a better film. It has a great cast, with mainly likable characters and an excellent idea. You could watch it again and again, looking for new things. Another great Nolan film is The Prestige, as well. It's an excellently developed and made film. The way the narrative skips almost feels like a magic trick itself. And what about Finchers Social Network? A film with one of the best scripts in recent memory and also with one of the least likely charismatic and strangely likable main characters ever. Considering they are very different films it's difficult to fairly compare others. However among them are, Pan's Labyrinth, No Country for Old Men, Punch-Drunk Love, Zodiac, The Life Aquatic and The Aviator. Don't get me wrong, I liked DKR a lot. I just think if you asked me I'd probably take the films listed over it.