As the theory goes we should be able to apply this to advertising.
Every advert doesn't rely on the fact that we night product X and the audience happen to see the corresponding advert on the telly or in a magazine - the advert will reach us by appealing to our individual needs and as we know, these needs can be traced back to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs.
This gives us a criteria for analysing adverts, however there is one key pitfall that we have to avoid:
REMEMBER: Analyse the advert NOT the product being sold!
Watch these adverts and decide what needs are being fulfilled or appealed to.
For the first one - here's a hint, think about which of the 4Cs audience categories are being targeted and what are their needs...
Hopefully you should have identified the target audience as the Mainstream. Further to that you will have known that their core need in life is Security...
Security Needs
The obvious references to this relate to the 'Credit Crunching'
Love & Belonging