2. Two theories which are associated with the effects debate
are the hypodermic syringe and the inoculation model also known as the desensitisation
model .The hypodermic syringe is a short term effect theory, which according to
this theory the audience receive an ‘injection’ of a media text. It could be
negative (e.g. a violent murder) or positive (e.g. a heroic act) and the
audience are stimulated in response. An example of this is the incident in
Columbine Elementary School, where two guys killed 13 people and injured 24
others, people believed that the ‘matrix’ was the main factor and it had a big
influence on them for the shootings.
However the inoculation model suggests that the long term
exposure to repeated media messages makes audiences ‘immune’ to them. An
example of this is the killings of the soldiers every day, when it comes on the
news people are no longer shocked by it because it’s very common now and we get
used to seeing it.
3. An active audience suggests that they have their own
opinions and also we decide what the media does for us. The gratification model
shows this which is split into four different categories, Escapism and
Entertainment, Social Interaction, Personal Identity and Information and
However an passive audience suggests that all audiences are
like puppets, they respond to however media texts and producers wish them to
do. I think that the hypodermic syringe model is a great example of this, again
the Columbine Elementary School suggests that they consumed a ‘negative’ piece
of media text which led them to kill 13 people.
4. I think that violence on television to a certain extent
can cause violent behaviour and they can influence people by making people
think that all kind of violence can harm them and I think that the hypodermic
syringe model can come into this because the media makes us believe this but
also I think that the inoculation model can come into this as well because we
get used to hearing stuff like this.
5. I think that active audiences are more acceptable than
passive audiences because active audience theories give us more of an individuality
whereas passive audiences are defined as one big group.
6. A particular media text that I enjoy is Sky 1’s ‘An Idiot
Abroad’. The use of gratifications model that would explain better why I enjoy
it so much is Escapism and Entertainment because its a humorous programme which
allows me to relax and step away from things around me in my own life and
instead I can receive laughter. Also Social Interaction can come into this as
well because I can come into college and talk to my friends about it asking
them if they seen this part and what we found funny about the episode.
7. The advert that I have used is a drink driving advert. A preferred audience member would take in the dangers and take into perspective that drink driving is extremely dangerous. An oppositional audience member would try to say its sexist because males are usually used in drink driving adverts instead of women, but women are always seemed as the victims.
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