Media Diary - Week 6 - Stereotypes

1. Waterloo Road - This TV programme is a perfect example of a school stereotype. The school is represented as a bad school were the pupils don't listen in class, always have fights/arguments and are very destructive. This can persaude people to have a negative view on teenagers nowadays. I don't think this reflects on every school and every teenager because you don't go through the amount of problems that Waterloo Road has in a normal school day.

2. The Inbetweeners - This TV show/movie is an example of what people think teenagers are like or what the media in a certain way has represented them as. Examples of this are things like, teenagers only bothered about girls and sex, this is shown throughout each of the series and also in the movie as well. In the Inbetweeners movie, they go on a lads holiday, partying and experimenting drugs.
In the series, they go out drinking which is typical of how the media represents young people because of course it's under-age drinking. I think that teenagers can also relate to them as well with the under-age drinking and girls.

3. Kidulthood - This movie is set in a school but represents gang culture and bullying. The media represents gangs to link to teenagers, which has and can have a negative impact on the public. This movie is about gangs in school which leads into gun crime. An example of gang culture is the riots, this had a big impact on the media because they needed someone to blame and gangs and teenagers were blamed in the end. Bullying also plays a big part in this film, which also has a bad representation in the media in schools everywhere.

With these three examples of media texts that I have pointed out here, it is clear that schools/teenagers have a bad representation in the media, and I think that part of this is true with under-age drinking, however I don't think that gang culture is not true in the way teenagers are represented in this because not all teenagers are involved in gang culture or were even involved in the riots.

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